by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 20, 2014
This has been a completely nutty election but nothing made me laugh in despair more than page 26 of the Government’s Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook: 2014-15 to 2017-18. This document was publicly released by the Department of Finance months before the...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 19, 2014
The Tories’ re-election lies with voters saying “yes” to the NDP. A quick look at the popular vote across New Brunswick’s past four election shows the Tories win when the NDP popular vote hits eight per cent or more. Political campaigns make...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 17, 2014
Riddle me this New Brunswick: what do shale gas, public service pension funds, selling NB Power to Hydro Quebec, changes to French Immersion, forestry policy, abortion and river ferries have in common? A sense of style that is fast going out of fashion. It’s a...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 15, 2014
If New Brunswick wants to become a ‘have’ province in the near future it has to develop its non-renewable resources. That is the reality of public finances in Canada in 2014. Right now four of Canada’s 10 provinces do not receive equalization...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 9, 2014
Last night a friend messaged me to ask if I knew the interest rate charged on the government debt. Ummm…not off the top of my head, but I love that he asked. He was doing his own research because he wants to understand New Brunswick’s fiscal...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Sep 2, 2014
Health care is the biggest expenditure in the New Brunswick budget, just as it is in all the other provinces. However beyond that big expense our understanding of where public funds are spent is kind of fuzzy. Are we short-changing municipalities? Do we spend too much...
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