To track power you need to look for what isn’t there

I once forced four companies to stop trading on the TSX because of what I didn’t hear.  It was 1998, and New Brunswick’s provincial telephone company was riding high.  NBTel had a chokehold on New Brunswick’s telecom market and one of the strongest brand...

BlackBerry & our Rage Against the Machinations of Change

Nothing earth-rattling ever happens at a world café.  No yelling. No double-dealing in the back room. No character assassinations in the media.  Just listening and talking to seek common ground and understanding via a few hours of facilitated conversations in...

Money is on the move; do you know where it is taking you?

When the last bank branch closed on Grand Manan Island last summer, there were the expected stories that this was an example of the continuing loss of a rural island way of life.  Cue the sad fiddles and penny whistle.  What, posited the news stories, happens to...