by Lisa Hrabluk | Nov 17, 2023
Don’t let the latest crisis stop you from following the trail that leads to what you really value Yesterday’s walk was a two-pooper. Of all the skills I thought I might develop in mid-life, anticipating the drop zone for my dog’s afternoon bowel movements was...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Nov 10, 2023
It’s potentially the largest transfer of wealth in Atlantic Canada – and no one’s talking about it The day the Globe and Mail broke the news that there were no more Irvings atop Irving Oil, a friend sent me a D.M.: “I’m hearing the French have...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Nov 3, 2023
How being on the wrong side of an issue can help heal broken systems If they gave out Oscars for the most discomforting performance by an actor, Ryan Gosling would beat Leonard DiCaprio hands down. In Martin Scorsese’s new film, Killers of the Flower Moon,...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Oct 19, 2023
Shift guilt about past injustice to feelings of reciprocity for the gifts we receive from the places we call home I’m not going to lie; it’s been a heavy couple of weeks. Not for me, but for the world. My newsfeed is filled with so many images of so much terror and...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Oct 16, 2023
Now in its third season on Netflix, Lisa talks about the popular series.
by Lisa Hrabluk | Oct 11, 2023
Listen to Lisa’s review here:
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