by Oscar Baker | Jan 24, 2018
A new series of retreats geared at keeping young immigrants in New Brunswick is focused on building leadership skills in its 28 teenaged delegates representing 10 nationalities to help them start projects that will make life better in their communities. “We not only...
by Lisa Hrabluk | Oct 20, 2014
The peaceful quality of life in New Brunswick belies the structural challenges that churn below the surface. (Michael Hawkins photo/Wicked Ideas) Weird news, bumbling politics and civil unrest: congratulations New Brunswick, last week we hit the trifecta of...
by Nathalie Landry | Apr 29, 2014
Il y a toute une effervescence à l’École Queen Elizabeth de Moncton. Il est 16h et les enfants s’assemblent avec leurs professeurs de musique dans les salles de classe, la cafétéria ou tout autre espace disponible. Un grand groupe de jeunes âgés de 6 à 7 ans...
by Nathalie Landry | Apr 29, 2014
At Queen Elizabeth School in Moncton, there is a flurry of activity. It’s 4pm and children are assembling in classrooms, the cafeteria and any available space along with their music teachers. A large group of 6 to 7 year olds hum along to the melody on their music...
by Nathalie Landry | Apr 3, 2014
Sarah Short has seen first hand how empowering youth can propel them to great things. As the Youth Entrepreneurship Development Officer at Enterprise Greater Moncton (EGM), she leads youth initiatives aimed at fostering young talent in the region. “What I have seen...
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