by Nathalie Landry | Apr 3, 2014
Sarah Short has seen first hand how empowering youth can propel them to great things. As the Youth Entrepreneurship Development Officer at Enterprise Greater Moncton (EGM), she leads youth initiatives aimed at fostering young talent in the region. “What I have seen...
by Bill Duncan | Mar 27, 2014
I teach English, or more to the point, I teach stories; so when I persuaded a few dozen students to join me at the Big Data Congress recently, I am sure that more than a few of them were wondering why. To be honest, I didn’t know; at the time I was just looking to...
by Nathalie Landry | Mar 7, 2014
L’avenir des sciences, de l’ingénierie et des technologies est en péril au Nouveau-Brunswick. Bien que le Canada ait besoin d’un million de nouveaux travailleurs qualifiés d’ici 2020, la plupart des étudiants quittent les cours...
by Nathalie Landry | Mar 7, 2014
New Brunswick’s science, engineering and technology sectors may be in peril. While Canada needs an additional 1 million skilled workers by 2020, most students are dropping out of math and science courses as soon as they become optional in Grades 11 and 12, a...
by Cherise Letson | Feb 18, 2014
These rings were designed in a 3D printer by a Chilean designer, an example of what happens when technology and art meet. (Photo/Cherise Letson) Want a strong tech sector? Get aggressive on arts education. That’s the message ArtsNB director Akoulina...
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